
These are some of the news that our daily activity generates in Naru Intelligence.

Naru Intelligence participates in the TEKgunea conference on Artificial Intelligence in Public Administration

January 17, the Department of Public Governance and Self-Government of the Basque Government organized the TEKgunea conference on Artificial Intelligence in Public Administration. In this conference, our CTO, Maider Alberich, participated in the round table on Artificial Intelligence and Basque companies together with Mariate Linaza, Director of Promotion and Institutional

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Disruptores e Innovadores El Español interviews Naru Intelligence as a driver of a paradigm shift in cancer care

Disruptores e Innovadores El Español interviews Naru Intelligence and highlights the impact of its technology in the field of biomedicine, specifically in cancer care to accelerate research and further improve outcomes for cancer patients. During the interview, topics such as the main limitation faced by the healthcare sector was covered:

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Naru presented at the meeting “Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the field of value-based health” organised by EIT Health Spain and the Department of Health of the Basque Government.

Last June 2nd, Eider Sanchez, CEO and co-founder of Naru Intelligence, had the great opportunity to participate in the meeting “Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the field of value-based health” organised by EIT Health Spain and the Department of Health of the Basque Government. The aim of the meeting was to

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